Research and evaluation in education and psychology: integrating diversity with quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods

Mertens, Donna M

Research and evaluation in education and psychology: integrating diversity with quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods - 5a. Edición - London, Sage; 2022 - 544 páginas ilustraciones; tablas 25.5x20 cm

incluye índice de contenido

"Chapter 1: An Introduction to Research and Ethical Practice.-Why Bother?.-What is Research?.-Research Terminology.-Approach Taken in This Book.-Major Paradigms in Research: A Brief History of Research Postpositivism.-Constructivist Paradigm.-Transformative Paradigm.-Pragmatic Paradigm.-Politics, Legislation, and the Paradigms.-Contested Territory: Quality, Causality, and Objectivity.-Merging Paradigms¿Across Differences.-Chapter 2: Evaluation.-Defining Evaluation.-Distinguishing Research and Evaluation.-History and Models of Evaluation.-Resources and Processes for Conducting Evaluations
Steps in Planning an Evaluation.-Standards for Critically Evaluating Evaluations.-Ethics and Evaluation: The Guiding Principles.-Questions for Critically Analyzing Evaluation.-Evaluation Resources for Program and Policy Evaluations.-Chapter 3: Literature Review and Focusing the Research.-Reasons for Doing Literature Reviews.-The Search Process.-Critical Analysis of Literature Reviews.-Questions for Critically Analyzing Literature Reviews.-Chapter 4: Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research.-Importance of Experimental Design.-Research Designs and Threats to Validity.-Experimental, Quasi-Experimental, and Single-Group Designs.-Other Design Issues.-Challenges to Using Experimental Designs in Educational and Psychological Research.-Transformative Perspectives Regarding Experimental Research.-Postpositivist Rejoinder
Final Thoughts.-Questions for Critically Analyzing Experimental, Quasi-Experimental, and Single Group Designs.-Where to From Here?.-Chapter 5: Causal Comparative and Correlational Approaches.-Inherent Characteristics: Challenging Issues.-Causal Comparative Research-Correlational Research.-Questions for Critically Analyzing Causal Comparative and Correlational Research.-Chapter 6: Survey Methods Design Phase.-Sampling Plan.-Designing the Survey Instrument.-Pilot Testing the Questionnaire.-Language Differences between the Researcher and the Respondent.-Special Types of Questions.-Letter of Transmittal.-Conducting the Survey.-Data Analysis and Troubleshooting Your Survey Instrument.-Questions for Critically Analyzing Survey Research.-Chapter 7: Single-Case Research.-Quality Issues in Single-Case Research.-Design Options.-Data Analysis In Single-Case Research.-Questions for Critically Analyzing Single-Case Research.-Chapter 8: Qualitative Research and Action Research.-Basis for Selection of Qualitative Methods.-Types of Qualitative Research.-Data Collection.-General Methodological Guidelines.-Translation Issues in Multilingual Contexts.-Qualitative Data Collection Methods.-Critically Analyzing Qualitative Research.-Questions for Critically Analyzing Qualitative Research.-Chapter 9: History, Narrative Study of Lives, and Autoethnography.-Why Study History?.-Importance of Historical, Narrative, and Autoethnographic Research.-Types of Historical, Narrative, and Autoethnographic Research.-Steps in Conducting Historical-Narrative Research.-Notes on Biographical Research.-Notes on Autoethnographic, Autobiographical/Self-Study Research.-Questions for Critically Analyzing Historical-Narrative Research Chapter 10: Mixed Methods Research.-Definition and Characteristics.-Importance in Educational and Psychological Research.-Philosophical Assumptions and Mixed Methods Research.-Mixed Methods Design Options.-Questions for Critically Analyzing Mixed Methods Research.-.Chapter 11: Sampling.-Definition, Selection, and Ethics.-External Validity (Generalizability) or Transferability.-Defining the Population and Sample.-Identification of Sample Members.-Sampling Strategies.-Sampling Bias.-Access Issues.-Sample Size Ethics and Protection of Study Participants.-Questions for Critically Analyzing Sampling Strategies
Chapter 12: Data Collection.-Operationalizing Concepts.-Quantitative Measurement Topics.-Selection and Development of Quantitative Instruments.-Developing a Data Collection Instrument.-Qualitative Data Collection Methods.-Mixed Methods and Data Collection.-Standards for Judging Quality of Data Collection Questions for Critically Analyzing Data Collection.-Chapter 13: Data Analysis, Interpretation, and Use Quantitative Analysis Strategies.-Qualitative Analytic Strategies.-Analytic and Interpretive Issues in Mixed Methods.-A Research Plan: The Management Plan and Budget.- Writing Research Reports.-Utilization of the Research Results.-Questions for Critically Analyzing Data Analysis and Interpretation.


practice terminology evaluation

370.72 / M575r